Dec 5

LINQ – Various components needed to create a Language Integrated Query

LINQ is an acronym that stands for "Language Integrated Query" and is pronounced "LINK” Many years ago, when C# was still a young language, the language

By Syed Haroon

Nov 1

Getting Started with Entity Framework Core and How to Configure DbContext class in Asp.Net Core

What is Entity Framework Core: If we want to interact with a database in an aspnet MVC core application, there may be several providers for it, such as

By Syed Haroon

Sep 30

Acquire ADO.Net (ActiveX Object .Net) by building Crud operation in Asp.Net Core

Whenever we create web, windows or Console Application in Net core framework may be we come across the situation we want store the data permanently for that

By Syed Haroon

Sep 5

Getting Started with Azure Devops

What is Azure Devops It is, as the name suggests, a devops platform Because it was expanded from already-existing tools and services, even though it served

By Syed Haroon

Aug 19

Glint App – A Job Portal

    Glint job portal app is a web application that allows job seekers to conveniently identify and apply for their desired employment    A Sneak Peek at

By Deebika
Feature Image

Aug 19

Space360 – An Effective Space Reservation Portal

 Space360, an angular and aspnet core web application developed for reserving available spaces in on-premise organizations Our application is comprised of two

By Pownraj

Aug 10

Building MVC Application via Code First Approach

Using Code First, we create POCO classes first, and then create a database from these classes A useful feature of this code is when you don't have a database

By Sridhar

Aug 10

Authentication in ASP.NET Core Web API

Authentication is the act of providing assertion, such as the identity of a computer system user  In simpler terms, authentication is the process of

By Methran

Aug 8

Things You Need To Know About Authorization

Authorization is the process of defining access rights/privileges to resources, which is connected to information security in general and computer security in

By John Edelbert

Aug 8

Using Refresh Token in Asp.Net Core Web API Project

A refresh token is a special token that lets the user to refresh the access token without asking the user to login again A refresh token will be generated with

By Pownraj