Tag: .net
Restoran – A Web App for Restaurant Reservation Management System
Restoran is a web application for Restaurant Reservation Management System, allows customers to reserve tables and order food items Front – End Tech
An Overview of the Repository Design Pattern
Why use design patterns Earlier, software developers don’t follow any standard pattern for accessing the database during
Asynchronous Programming and Tasks in C Sharp
Asynchronous programming is a form of concurrent programming that enables the execution of several tasks at once It enables you to carry out multiple jobs at
LINQ – Extension Methods in Csharp and LINQ Operators
Extension methods allow us to add methods to existing types without creating a new derived type, recompiling, or otherwise modifying the original type we may
Glint App – A Job Portal
Glint job portal app is a web application that allows job seekers to conveniently identify and apply for their desired employment A Sneak Peek at
Things You Need To Know About Authorization
Authorization is the process of defining access rights/privileges to resources, which is connected to information security in general and computer security in
What’s new in Visual Studio 2022
Visual Studio is one the most popular IDE (Integration Development Environment) where you can code, debug, compile and deploy your NET applications It has more
Azure-Backup On-Premises using MARS agent
Azure Backup provides automatic storage management with unconstrained scalability and recovery Azure Backup also provides application-consistent backups,
Pattern Matching In C#
Pattern matching is one of the coolest things that was introduced in C# 70 It evolved in a smarter way and in C# 90 it became more powerful We already write
Lets Explore Microservice Architecture
As a developer, it's just not about developing the features, it's also about architecting the application in the right way so that it would be flexible even if