Virtual Global Azure Bootcamp 2020

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We are excited to host an event on Global Azure Virtual 2020!


April 25, 2020

Everything you need to know about Azure
10:00am to 10:30am
Everything you need to know about Azure
Suhas Parameshwara

Everything you need to know about Azure

Suhas Parameshwara
How To Host A Serverless Static Website In Azure
10:30am to 10:45am
How To Host A Serverless Static Website In Azure
Kuppurasu Nagaraj

How To Host A Serverless Static Website In Azure

Kuppurasu Nagaraj
Azure Serverless and Business Landscape
10:45am to 11:00am
Azure Serverless and Business Landscape
Arunkumar Kumaresan

Azure Serverless and Business Landscape

Arunkumar Kumaresan
Building real-time Azure Serverless Application
11:00am to 11:15am
Building real-time Azure Serverless Application
Ezhilarasi Chezhiyan

Building real-time Azure Serverless Application

Ezhilarasi Chezhiyan
What Azure Data Studio, notebook SQL and why I should care about it?
11:15am to 11:45pm
What Azure Data Studio, notebook SQL and why I should care about it?

What Azure Data Studio, notebook SQL and why I should care about it?

Azure Cognitive Services
11:45pm to 12:15pm
Azure Cognitive Services

Azure Cognitive Services

Building an Azure Chatbot with Azure Cognitive Services
12:15pm - 12:45pm
Building an Azure Chatbot with Azure Cognitive Services
Pandiyan Murugan

Building an Azure Chatbot with Azure Cognitive Services

Pandiyan Murugan

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