Jun 7

What is HTML5 and Why Is It Important?

HTML5 is a markup language that first appeared in January 2008 Since then, two significant organisations have been active in the development of HTML5 The World

By Syed Haroon

Mar 31

SDLC Models Versus Devops – Why we choose Devops

Introduction: The phrase Software Development  Lifecycle (SDLC) refers to the multi-step process that begins with source code and progresses through software

By Syed Haroon

Mar 21

Global Information Tracker (Git) – Workflow and Terminologies

Git-Introduction Git is a free and open-source distributed version control system that can handle everything from tiny to extremely large projects quickly and

By Syed Haroon

Apr 18

Linguistics for Azure Storage Services

Introduction The storage accounts give a unique namespace for your storage data that is accessible from anywhere in the globe via http or https Data in your

By Syed Haroon

Nov 15

Azure-Backup On-Premises using MARS agent

Azure Backup provides automatic storage management with unconstrained scalability and recovery Azure Backup also provides application-consistent backups,

By Syed Haroon

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