May 28

Azure Service Bus Queue- Sending Message using .NET Application.

Azure Service Bus is a fully managed message broker with message queuing and publish/subscribe topics Service bus is used to decouple applications and

By Syed Haroon

Apr 30

Introduction to Azure Service Bus on the Azure Portal

Azure Service Bus is a cloud-based messaging service provided by Microsoft Azure Enables communication between different applications and services in a

By Syed Haroon

Mar 30

Overview Microsoft Azure on Data Engineering

Introduction Data engineering is the process of collecting, transforming, and preparing data for storage, analysis, and consumption It involves various

By Syed Haroon

Mar 14

Azure Firewall Manager and Routing methods

Introduction: Azure Firewall Manager is a centralized security management solution that provides organizations with a way to manage multiple Azure Firewall

By Syed Haroon

Dec 31

LINQ – Extension Methods in Csharp and LINQ Operators

Extension methods allow us to add methods to existing types without creating a new derived type, recompiling, or otherwise modifying the original type we may

By Syed Haroon

Dec 5

LINQ – Various components needed to create a Language Integrated Query

LINQ is an acronym that stands for "Language Integrated Query" and is pronounced "LINK” Many years ago, when C# was still a young language, the language

By Syed Haroon

Nov 1

Getting Started with Entity Framework Core and How to Configure DbContext class in Asp.Net Core

What is Entity Framework Core: If we want to interact with a database in an aspnet MVC core application, there may be several providers for it, such as

By Syed Haroon

Sep 30

Acquire ADO.Net (ActiveX Object .Net) by building Crud operation in Asp.Net Core

Whenever we create web, windows or Console Application in Net core framework may be we come across the situation we want store the data permanently for that

By Syed Haroon

Sep 5

Getting Started with Azure Devops

What is Azure Devops It is, as the name suggests, a devops platform Because it was expanded from already-existing tools and services, even though it served

By Syed Haroon

Jul 26

Devops and How does it perform and practices- Walkthrough

The new name for Microsoft Visual Studio Team Services is Azure DevOps (VSTS) It is seen as a promising technology for managing the application lifetime Azure

By Syed Haroon

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