
Jan 27

Write clean and maintainable HTML code

We all have come through posts where people show off how to write cool stuff in the backend/server-side in languages like C#, nodeJs, java, javascript, etc

By Hariharan subramanian

Oct 23

The art of writing clean code in C#

When I came across the term clean code, I thought its something that only 10x Engineers or Senior developers can do We often tend to approach a solution that

By Hariharan subramanian

Aug 13

Identifying performance issues in C# code using Benchmark DotNet

It's the 21st century We build and ship applications faster than the gravitational speed of earth Software development has been experiencing disruptive

By Hariharan subramanian

Jul 19

Introduction to Dependency Injection with Autofac

Before blowing anyone's mind with the capabilities of Autofac, let's first get the basics right Why Autofac What is Autofac What do you need to know before

By Hariharan subramanian
powershell dashboard

Jan 2

Getting started with PowerShell dashboards

Introduction I’m strong in scripting Can I use the same knowledge to create impressive UI / some frontend using it You are not alone my friend Universal

By Hariharan subramanian

Dec 24

Introduction to Azure PowerShell Az

There's a new Azure PowerShell module called 'Az' that is recently announced It brings out the true power of PowerShell core and Cloud Shell to maintain

By Hariharan subramanian

Nov 13

Azure Function Deployment Techniques

After the development of a single Azure Function or a group of function, we need to deploy it to Azure That’s the purpose of developing it right Jokes apart!

By Hariharan subramanian

Aug 23

Useful PowerShell Tips and Tricks for Azure

Windows PowerShell allows users to access and manage just about every part of the operating system Some administrative consoles of recent Microsoft server

By Hariharan subramanian

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